Monday, December 14, 2009

Quote of the week: Wives

"Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them."

-- Dick Van Dyke
This is unfortunately might be true. Although it should be refrased as "Women will never (if actual level of work division is to be kept) be succesfull as easily as men..."

Because wives, stereotypically, are meant to clean, cook, take care of the kids, possibly have a decent job and be pretty while doing it all.

Husbands, on the other hand, are meant to work and fix stuff. And take the kids on fun activities.

Which makes it exceedingly hard for women who actually want to build a great career and  have a family, because the two are opposites.
When discussing about the future with my friends, many girls say: "I'm not marrying. I want to work." or "No, I won't marry! I want to be free!"
Every girl seems to think that marriage=boring old moral and good life. Some want it, others not. But noone ever said they wanted to have fun, work and marrry.
I haven't heard anyone saying that they do not want to work to build a family, because the housewife is considered the worst possible thing to be. But the girls who plan to have families do want less prestigious jobs.

I've never heard a boy talking about how to marry and have a career and be good at both. It's just not a problem for men. The wife will sacrifice her work for the kids, she's the one who will keep the house fixed and welcome the husband home at the end of the day.
And, IMO, it sucks.

And this creepy video which totally illustrates it all:



1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard anyone saying that they do not want to work to build a family, because the housewife is considered the worst possible thing to be.

    Are you serious? You just met one - me, most of my friends are the exact same way.

    Both my parents are doctors, they make really good money, Father's father had a telecommunications company, and made them look poor.

    Mum didn't *have* to continue working, the family has plenty of money she decided to put me in daycare when I was 6 months old, I had nannies, spent my summers, and a few years, with mother's mother, who is very old, in London, travelled Europe.

    In no way do I feel deprived or cheated that I didn't see much of my parents growing up, that's a myth perpetuated by those who seek to maintain traditions and the patriarchy.

    It's also a class issue, mediocre, lower/moderate income men NEED wives/help mates so that they can succeed.

    It's time for the girls to tell those LOSERS to go f themselves and focus on their own success...which doesn't include loser men and a brood of ill adaptive children.

    There is nothing "good" about that, and it's far as one can get from the "good life".
